Dennis Lehane - Shutter Island (L'isola della paura)
Dennis Lehane - Shutter Island (The island of fear)
I think it's good to see the film adaptations of literary works.
At least for me.
Cause when I know that will come out a movie based on a book, I must read it before you run the risk
to see the movie!
And it is certainly good that I came across this masterpiece written by Dennis Lehane in 2003. Why
masterpiece it is! There tramortirĂ in a smoke, you choke with the threads of its plot thick.
... and eventually take you where you wanted him.
You will be shocked but is aware that the only possible end of history.
admit to being curious to see how you were able to make the screen the twisted many details of Shutter Island ...
376 pages, Published by Piemme
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