Monday, February 28, 2011

Preventing Sweaty Palms In Yoga

A medical check up from Dr. Jesus of Nazareth

Dear friends and readers of the blog in Italy and abroad,
I'm approaching my fifties, and, feeling my old age approaching, I Decided to get a general check up, to see if I run Any health risk.
And so I decided for a free consultation by Dr. Jesus of Nazareth, because I wanted to hear what He would find about me.
I went to Him, and unfortunately He found me not in good health: I can even say that I was found severely ill!
When the Dr Jesus checked my blood pressure, it was found low: low above all in tenderness, love and understanding towards the others.
 My temperature was 40 ° of anxiety, and Dr Jesus told me that I’m too concerned about the future and about things I am not able to change or to control . He told me that the remedy is very simple: to trust Divine Providence more.
At ECG I was found in need of several bypass of fraternal love, in order to reopen my old arteries, completely blocked by prejudice and envy.
At an orthopaedic examination, Dr Jesus diagnosed multiple old fractures, poorly consolidated, which prevent me from walking side by side with my neighbour: I got the fractures fighting with others out of envy, and it is because of continuous jealousy that I get frequent sprains.
Not to mention the eye examination: He found me visually impaired, unable to see beyond the faults of my neighbour. Ii is like I am short sighted, and I am able to see only the little seed in the eye of my brother, but I am completely blind about the log in my own eye.
My ENT examination was even worse: I have severe acuphens and tinnitus, preventing me from hearing the words and the cry for help coming from my neighbour; and that causes severe communication difficulties and dire misunderstandings.
The remedy Dr Jesus suggested me, was extremely simple to say, but terribly difficult to put into practice: several times a day to take a glass of humility, which, even though a bit bitter, it helps to get a sweet heart; then to drink a glass of fraternity before and after each meeting with somebody. At bedtime, Dr Jesus recommend two tablets of "examination of conscience", insisting on the fact that I must never fall into depression… because I takes time to heal.
He assured me that He trusts my commitment in following the prescriptions, and kept repeating that, by persevering in doing so, I would certainly get well!
Dr Jesus of Nazareth was very kind and, before leaving Chaaria, He gave me his number, so that I can call him for review any time I feel sick again... and He repeated that consultation is free of charge.

Bro Beppe Gaido

European Style Plaque Chips


A Gaddafi licked her ass a bit 'all, the photos show this clearly. Berlusca probably exaggerated, we have a foreign policy has always been ridiculous. We could eliminate a ministry and save money.
Because bloggers are in 90% of cases propaganda from peanuts, even in the network are unable to get a picture at least slightly clear of the Libyan situation. Who are the "rebels" who are they? What they want and they all want the same thing? What do we know the way of life in the Maghreb? Nothing we do not know almost nothing. But writing this shit if we write good here, bad there, do we in the midst of the jerks.
Europe says, so there are no Italians there, ass to soak in the Mediterranean, arriving there before and they are headed. By Allah.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Find The Age Of My Laser Dinghy

Welcome to the new volontari

Verso le ore 21 abbiamo welcomed the new volunteers of the Association of Karibu Africa Cagliari. They are:
Ortu Ninni (Dentist) and Anna Maria Sorgiu (a volunteer for the service of the Good Sons).
Tomorrow Dr. Ninni receive Ortu 'deliveries for work in the dental office by our Mercy then will be granted' two-week break, taking advantage of the presence of the volunteer. In fact, Mercy is trying to finish her maternity leave 'in fits and starts, since we can not grant all together to avoid having to close the dental service. So thank Dr. Ninni Ortu that helps us and also helps Mercy.
Anna Maria will work 'with Fr Robert Trappe and Fr Robert Maina and we are sure will not have 'problems of integration.

Fr Beppe Gaido

7 Weeks Pregnant And A Sore Throat

point of embarkation

Libyan or Tunisian coasts are only the embarkation pier. A step in a long journey, dangerous and uncontrollable. uncontrollable. Arrived on coasts of the Mediterranean there is only one line between them and a Blueroom momdo different. Who can stop them?
Who wants to stop them? What sense does it stop? We will become one with hundreds of thousands of Muslims in our country?
Multiethnicity: some bright start, for others the inevitable end.
For me proof "final" for the millennium now ending.

What's It Mean When Your Urine Is Cloudy


a glimpse into the abyss feel bad. It vomiting, discussion closed, then one day someone will discuss, will investigate how and why we can take and crush a flower. Forever

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Clipart On Too Much Too Many

La festa in mio onore

not expecting me, and it 'was a shot tonight when I saw the dining room decorated in the best way with banners and balloons.
E 'was great to have around me the brothers, sisters, volunteers and even the priests of the parish ... and Don Giulio from Camp Garba.
I was very moved when I thanked everyone, starting from the Superior Fr Roberto Trappe, to continue with all brothers, sisters and volunteers: the more because 'I felt great to tell Angela Dolores and that even today have worked so hard to preparaci a dinner worthy of the best Italian restaurant.
When I tried to make a speech and I 'came a lump in my throat, but I tried to emphasize the fact that the prize "Scuola Medica Salernitana" I received it on behalf of Chaar and the Little House,' cause the our witness in the service of the sick would not be possible without the cooperation of all. The hospital is not me, but we all of us who work and sweat for it, we struggle and hope. The hospital then there 'cause the superiors of the Little House believe and support him ... then the prize and 'they, too, and it' received on behalf of the House organize small.
I stressed the fact that the premium in the minds of wonderful professors of Salerno, he wanted to be an encouragement for young graduates to see more and medicine as a service and not as a career service and a mission where the sick and 'always at the center.
The prize then shows that even today in Italy as values \u200b\u200bdedication, sacrifice, altruism, donation still have meaning and can still inspire and lead a good example.
Thanks again to all who were close to me tonight with this unexpected feast, and for this reason even the most 'touching.

Fr Beppe Gaido

Is Baby Shampoo Good For Blepharitis

Salutiamo chi parte

E' con sentimenti di vera riconoscenza che saluto Lucia, Fausta, Ornella, Daniela, Dolores ed Angela. Sono state tutte stupende. Abbiamo lavorato insieme benissimo... e davvero tanto!
Grazie ancora a Dolores ed Angela per il servizio con i Buoni Figli e per la cura che esse si son prese di noi, preparandoci ogni giorno golosita' e manicaretti... abbiamo tutti preso almeno 3 chili in queste 2 settimane. A Dolores ed Angela il Our thanks for wanting to buy a new TV for Special Children.
Thanks also to the gynecologists and Fausta Lucia. Gynecology and obstetrics specialties are two 'central hospital Chaar, night and day. Fausta and 'was the pivot of the ambulatory obstetrics-gynecology, and Lucy' was the engine of the operating room ... a four-stroke engine, always calm but steady day and night. Thank you, Fausta, for the patience with which you have visited hundreds of patients we sent you. Thanks, Lucia, for your calm that brings peace and serenity 'room, for your expertise that there has never been afraid, even when working more' difficult, and also for your speed 'which allowed us to carry out operations in record time.
With Ornella and Daniela were our anesthesiologists, and we have permission to work in quiet 'day and night. According to them the gratitude extends also to the fact that I have taught new anesthetic techniques.
May God bless you. I was fine with you. I'm also happy to have you heard that they are not intractable and that bear that you sometimes heard prior to Chaar ... sometimes they are 'a little' teddy bear, but you told me that they are manageable ... and this is enough for me.
May God bless you ... and come back soon.

Fr Beppe

Free Appendicitis Fotos

foul play

Meanwhile in Italy to play
"We have taken note of the disappearance of the political group Fli in the Senate, and we have also taken note of different positions with respect to political perspectives" . Viespoli former Sen Fli

"At first we put the moral duty to get rid of Berlusconi's government as soon as possible because it has all the features of the Libyan government. This gentleman does not ever resign. One can only ask people to send him home, with demonstrations streets and demanding that the day of the ballot we vote for Parliament. Do not go to sea, free yourself. " Antonio Di Pietro

Di Pietro is so kind, Libya would have a clan leader harangued the crowds offering hanging and imprisonment. They do it because it's convenient to talk but no one considers him less than nothing. In Italy is playing dirty.
The real tragedy is that Peter was elected a parliament and that a good number of bloggers will share his style and methods. BURINI BE A LITTLE 'ASSHOLE

Friday, February 25, 2011

Strearling Silver Appraised


Oriana Fallaci, who "loves war because reminds her when she was young and beautiful "he had written. Maybe he knew Jovanotti (nice album anyway). She spoke of Eurabia: crap? Goal? Inevitable end?

You can not shoot at the refugees. You can not even if they are all refugees, terrorists and criminals there are. How many will never know. But you can not sink the boats, the Navy can not fire at fishing boats.

What To Cook With Thin Slice Steak Sirloin


When you reach the issues we discussed in the last 15 years unnecessarily become real.

because they come and will not be a few thousand. do not find it strange that the cap has blown 4 countries in about a month? A kind of New Year's celebration in the series.

Is Punta Cana Gay Friendly

Bar Navagio- Μπαρ Ναυάγιο di Arletta

Προχθές αργά στο μπαρ το ναυάγιο, βρέθηκα to drink me a saint, sat at the next stool, and Holy Communion with whiskey and nero.Tou told grandpa what you want here is a holy place afto.Mou said, son, doing a huge mistake, here is the fear of people and passion. Look around, and dry drunk, and I told them I love them damned if do you want to sanctify must be sin, to prevent you, let metanoiseis.Prochthes, slowly sinking to the bar, got to drink with a saint, sat in the adjacent stools, and Holy Communion with whiskey and water, sat at the next stool at the end and paid the bill ...

Al Bar del relitto

L `altro ieri, sul tardi, al bar del relitto,
Mi sono ritrovato a bere con un sant` uomo,
Era seduto sullo sgabello, accanto al mio
E faceva la comunione con whiskey and water.

I said, my priest, you're looking for here?
this place is not a saint.
He replies, son, you make a big mistake
Here are the fear of men and passion

He looked around, sober and drunk,
And I said, "I love them, the damned, if you want to become
holy sin
you and if you make on time, well then repent. "

L `yesterday, the latest, to bar the wreck
I found myself drinking with the man a saint,
was sitting on the stool next to mine and did
communion with whiskey and water.
And in the end even paid the bill ...

unique, special, ironic, irreverent, Arletta's song, evoking memories of the old and ambiguous smoky bar, where the damned, the flowers of evil, can finally be themselves. Understanding emerges for the marginalized and the conscience of the hard path to moral salvation depends, however, only the freedom of choice for the person and not by social rules.
Claudia Capone.

Friday, February 18, 2011

What Kind Of Film Does The Olympus Om10

Scambio di battute sul Comites Grecia alla faccia delle donne

February 17: Antonio Padera writes to cart "Perspectives"
... I saw the beautiful expression of women
(`at the embassy, \u200b\u200bat the Ruby case, ed), there was no female of comites ..... and me and 'reported on Monday that there 'was a meeting, someone I could tell where you can 'read the minutes ?.... and what happened to the money given to the eagle as well as I had .... .... I am ready to make a complaint to the Ambassador. ..
greetings from Corinth.
Mr. Vianello, Comites adviser responds: Dear Mr.
. Padera, it relates to the funds raised by Comites Kifissia to the Eagle I make the following as I am aware of there first hand. funds collected would be allocated to the student's home in memory of student who died under the greek rubble. This has been repeatedly communicated to visitors to the Flower Show. To this end, we got a free pavilion with local and municipal authorities have declared this alle varie ditte che ci hanno offerto gratuitamente i loro prodotti. Di questo ne sono sicuro perchè, dato che mi costringe a dirlo, io personalmente ho chiesto la concessione gratuita del padiglione, io personalmente ho contattato varie ditte fornitrici ed io personalmente ho passato molte ore alla Fiera. Da molti anni sono "socialmente" attivo a Kifissia e quindi sono personalmente interessato che le cose vadano per il verso giusto. Personalmente non ho mai avuto contatti con l'Aquila nè sono il Cassiere del Comites. So che si è perso molto tempo per trovare il contatto affidabile per la firma della lettera di intenti e ora sembra che finalmente lo si sia trovato. I soldi raccolti si trovano in banca con i relatvi interessi. Ho deciso di rimanere consigliere dell'attuale Comites at least until you are going to target these funds, which I hope will happen by the end of my term in office. Then, for myself, I will not keep you informed. Regards Francesco Vianello
Padera responds: Dear
me 'pleasure among the skirts of the Adviser , there' trousers with a counselor . Thank you but all this tells me that does not bode well favor of low seriousness' behavior of an institution so important, which is run by small opportunities of poor social behavior .... For his person, and I know I've heard good things about his commitment to the pedestrians of Kifissia'.... but I dia retta si dimetta prima che sia troppo tardi perche' questo comitato ha un comportamento completamente contrario alle legge dello stato italiano che lo regola e gestisce soldi pubblici senza trasparenza,ne si sono mai visti i verbali con i conti che devono essere pubblicati...come ho chiesto piu' volte e lo stesso Brook mi aveva assicurato prima di partire..
un cordiale saluto
antonio padera
Tra tutte queste cordialità si capisce solo una cosa: il Comites, purtroppo, risulta sempre più chiuso e timoroso, impastoiato nei problemi di comununicazione con la comunità. Nello scambio di mail precedente, si leggono tra le righe, però, alcune espressioni ironiche che fanno scadere la critica per l` inattività del Comitato, just and sacred, and report it to an old stereotype that male considerations when expressing negative women, calls them "skirts" and even "female". Comites Comites or not, I remember that it is first and foremost of women and that the ability of people, in general, not be judged by the clothes they wear but by their actual ability to ask and solve the problem.
Claudia Capone

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tech Deck Mini Pálya Elem

Ricordi di paese: polenta e tecnica militare

It was January, cold cheeks and nose cut off at the exit of scuola.Dall `bus full of students hotly could barely see the mounds of snow on the road as soon as you check in thin midday sun. In this history i miei desideri erano molto limitati: come sempre volevo subito tornare a casa, mangiare la minestra calda e sedermi sul cuscino nel mio cantuccio, accanto alla stufa, magari con Nerone che mi veniva a ronfare sulle ginocchia: il massimo della beatitudine. Quel giorno, però, trovai il cancello di casa chiuso. Stavo giusto domandandomi cosa fosse successo, quando la figura di mio padre si stagliò sulla curva dello stradone. A grandi gesti,in mezzo allo svaporare della neve, mi invitava a raggiungerlo. Non mi disse niente, mi portò a casa dei nonni e lì... sorpresa! Trovai la mamma , gli zii, il cugino Bruno in un andirivieni allegro di preparativi. "Che festa è ?", chiesi sbalordita, :"Macchè! Oggi si fa la polenta!",sorrise Bruno, her eyes shining. His grandfather was fumbling around the fire rekindled a fire robusto.Vi hung the copper kettle and wait for the water to boil, stirring and preparing tools and ingredients needed. Scoppieto accompanying the branches of certain stories and jokes with meticulous where you fell good or bad almost all the villagers. As soon as the water began to boil, he `s silence all around, as if they were the other the soul of the conversation, and measured with a gesture, threw a handful of salt into the kettle. Then he took from the table a bowl covered with a towel and with a gesture almost sacred, he discovered the contents. Then he appeared: it was yellow, solar, and ethereal fragrance. Yes, it was pointed out that the cornstarch in quel momento, con le sue onde, le dune del deserto. Ma il nonno non perse tempo: si mise in maniche di camicia e ,a manciate, cominciò a spolverare gradatamente nell`acqua quell` oro per poi rimestarlo vigorosamente con un lungo matterello. La nonna,mentre preparava il tavolo di legno, continuava a tener d` occhio la salsa a base di salsicce che borbottava sul fuoco. La preparazione della polenta durò circa mezz`ora. Dopo l` ultima energica rimestata, il nonno la scodellò ,con maestria particolare, direttamente sul tavolo.La polenta ci sembrava un sole fumante al centro di un chiaro universo. Addio Gennaio e il freddo!La mamma e la zia la stesero ben bene su tutto il tavolo e poi la nonna vi versò la salsa rossa, curando di far trovare pieces of sausage in the middle of that capolavoro.E, to make matters worse, all dusted with pecorino abbontanti taken grattugiato.Forse just can `t wait, maybe the news around the conference table was now crowded. But the grandfather, with his rolling pin, poses as the arbiter of the situation and arranged strictly places, saying that to eat the polenta, `c` was in need of military technique is that he only knew because he had participated in the Great War. It provided for the `frontal assault by men against women (or vice versa). Never eat polenta disorderly! Mother, aunt, me, my grandmother, took place on the north side of the table, ready to 'attack with a fork in his hand. Her father, uncle, Bruno, his grandfather, found themselves on the south side, also with the fork at the ready. The "good appetite!" his grandfather had to move towards the sausages in the center for compact fronts, eating polenta srtisciolina to strip, leaving the battlefield clean. Not recommended for vertical stakes, to prevent circumvention and pincer movement of the enemy. During the `advanced was allowed a glass of red wine to fortify the spirits. The men, who by famine, arrived almost immediately to the objective-Bruno only ate a quarter-table, making fun of women, however, proceeding in an orderly, had left behind a field completely razed to suolo.Queste had, therefore, the honor of weapons and got the "chief of staff" assigned in equal shares the coveted sausages.
This ended with laughter at will, mixed with memories of youth, forks between cousins, reprimands, a few tears, a piece of candy Grandma's Cheese and consolation to the belief that all the polenta was a very special dish. Claudia Capone

Monday, February 14, 2011

Ow To Make Natural Shampoo

Per chi è magia di un sonetto di Torquato Tasso

are silent forests and rivers, the
is certainly an air Tues lies, it
caverns winds have truce and peace, and the dark night

deep silence makes the white moon:
and we hid tegnamo
love the sweetness:
Love does not speak or breathe,
sien silent kisses and dumb my sighs

This "night" is suspended in a vast and magical silence, which seems to have stopped almost miraculously the laborious nature of animation. A pleasure
whispered, as if worried about the danger of breaking the divine silence of the night, is the background of the poet's feeling of Love.
Although it may seem stupid or rhetoric, the joy that this feeling is it `s unique features that transforms the everyday into a world more tolerable and to be discovered, despite everything. Illusion? What about ... Every now and then talk about it, however, does not hurt.

Long Leg Panty Girdle

Se possiamo aiutare...εαν μπορουμε να βοηθησουμε...

Καλησπέρα σε όλους.
Σας I write this muscle, maybe I've been able to help a friend help.
Constantine in about a month, will move permanently in Belgium. Has some wonderfully
ζώα που δυστηχώς δεν θα μπορέσει άμεσα να τα πάρει μαζί του. Ενα Θηλυκό πουλάρι 2,5 χρόνων με υπέροχο γλυκό χαρακτήρα μαθημένο απόλυτα στην ανθρώπινη παρουσία,το which sell at very good price. It is ready to begin training, but if someone wants it and has not been able to train properly, Κωνσταντίνος διατίθεται να το κάνει χωρίς καμία επιπλέον επιβάρυνση. Eπίσης, δύο άλογα ένα θηλυκό τη Χάννα και ένα αρσενικό τον Τζαχιήλ (γονείς του πουλαριού),τα which asks if someone can host them for a couple years to get settled and be able to get him.
Still, three luscious puppies imiaima German Shepherd who gives them up for adoption and their mother (purebred German shepherd trained) for hosting one or two years, the οποίο μπορεί όποιος το φιλοξενήσει να το ζευγαρώσει και να βγάλει καθαρόαιμα κουτάβια για να τα κρατήσει.
Μπορεί να τα μεταφέρει σε οποιαδήποτε γωνια της Ελλαδας, προκειμένου να βρεθούν σε χέρια πού θα τα αγαπούν και θα τα φροντίζουν για το παραπάνω διαστημα.
Τα εξοδα συντήρησης των ζώων,θα τα πληρώνει ο Κωνσταντίνος.Αν you forward it and attach to other atoma.Sas fotografies.Gia more information, please contact Constantine straight στο τηλ 6932077654, ή
Τζαγκαράκη Δήμητρα
from the list

Something Funny To Write In A Card

Notizie sulla manifestazione

From 20 o'clock news channel ANTENNA there a service on the hands of women in Italy and there ` even a small step on the hands of Athens. Go to the 43rd minute on the time bar. 3d
From ALPHA TV news program there is a long service in Italy on his hands and also on our Athens. Go to the 20th minute on the time bar. 3d
from the list

Friday, February 4, 2011

Japan Av Free Trailer

Volantino manifestazione

ITALY IS NOT 'a brothel! We also

Italian women want to participate in Athens to be held in every town in Italy on February 13
meeting is at Syntagma Square
Sunday, February 13 at 12:00 pm
then bring us to the Italian Embassy where
show our dissent.
Call for expressions of her friends with us and amici greci
Fantasia in libertà:
chi vuole può portare striscioni, pentole e mestoli. Vogliamo farci vedere e sentire
sandra zainer,bellaciaogrecia
da lista
Η Ιταλιδες της Αθηνας θα βρεθουν στις 13 Φεβρουαριου και την ορα 12, στην Πλατεια Συνταγματος και μετα Will form the road to Italian Embassy to show their discontent with the corruption in Italian politics. Last ethos of women and as many matches has given to conquer the rights and dignity in all sectors of society, mercilessly challenged by political standard and low levels.
invited to support and Greeks, men and women, with banners, pots and spoons to get the voice of protest.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What Do You Say For Save The Date For Birthday

Vola Vola Vola...

Un omaggio alle questo caso all` Abruzzo che chi scrive porta sempre nel cuore. `Vorrei far tornare per un’ora sola il tempo bello della contentezza, quando giocavamo a vola vola e ti coprivo di baci e di carezze.
E vola, vola, vola, vola e vola il pavone, se hai il cuore buono ...'
Στης αναζητηση των ριζων: αφιερωση στο Αμπρουτσο που εχω παντα στη καρδια μου.Η γνησια Ιταλια ακομα υπραχει.

Sanitary Napkins For Reusable

Master Universitario

are open until February 14, 2011, enrollments at the university master online protection and promotion of Italian culture abroad. The Master paid Universita 'di Parma, in collaboration with the Consortium, and icons' intended for Italians living abroad or foreign nationals who have a bachelor's degree Italian or foreign. In case of failure to reach the maximum number of members may be admitted also Italian citizens residing in Italy.
Detailed information on the structure of the course, on how 'of Participation and registration are available at:
There are new scholarships for merit, to cover part of tuition fees, some offered by the Fondazione Banco di Sicilia.
For each request, 'please contact the Secretary's office of the Master by e-mail: . They are also active phone line +39.050.2212691 (Wednesdays 'and Thursdays' from 10 to 12 and from 14 to 15), fax: +39.050.2212697.
are also open until March 1st half of registrations for the new degree course in Italian language and culture for foreigners and Italians residing abroad. Registered users can subscribe directly on the site ICoN at:
Until 11 February 2011 and 'can submit a claim for one of 50 scholarships provided by the Consortium ICoN for the registration to the course.
All notices of participation and application forms are submitted at:
For each request, and 'can contact the Secretary of Education degree course at: e-mail telefono +39 050 2212 690 fax +39 050 2212 677
Con i migliori saluti,
Mirko Tavoni Presidente del Consorzio ICoN
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dalla lista

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Shag Band Colour Charts

Er ber Paese dello pseudo-Belli

Mentre ch'er ber paese se sprofonna
tra frane, teremoti, innondazzioni
mentre che so' finiti li mijioni
pe turà un deficì de la Madonna

Mentre scole e musei cadeno a pezzi
e l'atenei nun c'hanno più quadrini
pe' la ricerca, e i cervelli ppiù fini
vanno in artre nazzioni a cercà i mezzi

Mentre li fessi pagheno le and if taxes
steals and if imbrojia
at full blast and pensions so 'always low PPIU

A light kindled in the night. Stay calm people
We sarva the hoes there.

Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli Thus wrote almost a century and a half ago and now runs the sonnet of blogs in the blog to highlight the degradation of the Italian political class but also the society of which it is the result. Since then the time is Beautiful in the past, have followed wars, disputes, small social achievements, serious crises economiche.Le great ideas and technology have evolved, but it seems that the defects and vices of men were not even scratched the good sense of `esperienza.Pessimisti what will happen? Useless, let's face it frankly: will always go that way. There's always someone who is aware of the problems, those who speak, who would also have the willingness to change things, but the mechanisms are difficult, the power is what it is, the enthusiasm of straw fires are faced with the reality, the lights they are too faint in the sky so dark.
Aho `cce` waterfall yet I know ... The sonnet is not nice but some pasquinaro who wanted to imitate him `quite well.The only thing that consoles me is to have it published in good faith at a time in which all more or less shared the stessa rabbia e lo stesso sgomento sulle ultime nuove della politica italiana.Ma gli errori vengono per imparare per cui ,la prossima volta, starò più attenta nel verificare prima di pubblicare certe cose che girano sul web. Aho`, che vergogna!!! Belli o non Belli,restano però valide le considerazioni finali,sulle quali ,forse, l` autore sconosciuto voleva provocatoriamente farci soffermare.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Headache Sneezing Congestion Neck Pain

Maheritsas Laurentis, A TURKISH PARIS

Dedicata agli studenti che studiano all`estero e che lasciano il ragazzo o la ragazza in Patria. Un animale,in questo caso un gatto, è buono per compagnia, ma certo non può sostituire la persona amata la quale,lontana, finisce per ... vederlo come rivale nei propri affetti.Ehh, brutta cosa la lontananza! Che fare allora? Uno se la prende con filosofia:
`Miagolo da solo, ma c` est la vie! `, Come dicono i Francesi.
greetings to Greeks studying in Italy!