Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tech Deck Mini Pálya Elem

Ricordi di paese: polenta e tecnica militare

It was January, cold cheeks and nose cut off at the exit of scuola.Dall `bus full of students hotly could barely see the mounds of snow on the road as soon as you check in thin midday sun. In this history i miei desideri erano molto limitati: come sempre volevo subito tornare a casa, mangiare la minestra calda e sedermi sul cuscino nel mio cantuccio, accanto alla stufa, magari con Nerone che mi veniva a ronfare sulle ginocchia: il massimo della beatitudine. Quel giorno, però, trovai il cancello di casa chiuso. Stavo giusto domandandomi cosa fosse successo, quando la figura di mio padre si stagliò sulla curva dello stradone. A grandi gesti,in mezzo allo svaporare della neve, mi invitava a raggiungerlo. Non mi disse niente, mi portò a casa dei nonni e lì... sorpresa! Trovai la mamma , gli zii, il cugino Bruno in un andirivieni allegro di preparativi. "Che festa è ?", chiesi sbalordita, :"Macchè! Oggi si fa la polenta!",sorrise Bruno, her eyes shining. His grandfather was fumbling around the fire rekindled a fire robusto.Vi hung the copper kettle and wait for the water to boil, stirring and preparing tools and ingredients needed. Scoppieto accompanying the branches of certain stories and jokes with meticulous where you fell good or bad almost all the villagers. As soon as the water began to boil, he `s silence all around, as if they were the other the soul of the conversation, and measured with a gesture, threw a handful of salt into the kettle. Then he took from the table a bowl covered with a towel and with a gesture almost sacred, he discovered the contents. Then he appeared: it was yellow, solar, and ethereal fragrance. Yes, it was pointed out that the cornstarch in quel momento, con le sue onde, le dune del deserto. Ma il nonno non perse tempo: si mise in maniche di camicia e ,a manciate, cominciò a spolverare gradatamente nell`acqua quell` oro per poi rimestarlo vigorosamente con un lungo matterello. La nonna,mentre preparava il tavolo di legno, continuava a tener d` occhio la salsa a base di salsicce che borbottava sul fuoco. La preparazione della polenta durò circa mezz`ora. Dopo l` ultima energica rimestata, il nonno la scodellò ,con maestria particolare, direttamente sul tavolo.La polenta ci sembrava un sole fumante al centro di un chiaro universo. Addio Gennaio e il freddo!La mamma e la zia la stesero ben bene su tutto il tavolo e poi la nonna vi versò la salsa rossa, curando di far trovare pieces of sausage in the middle of that capolavoro.E, to make matters worse, all dusted with pecorino abbontanti taken grattugiato.Forse just can `t wait, maybe the news around the conference table was now crowded. But the grandfather, with his rolling pin, poses as the arbiter of the situation and arranged strictly places, saying that to eat the polenta, `c` was in need of military technique is that he only knew because he had participated in the Great War. It provided for the `frontal assault by men against women (or vice versa). Never eat polenta disorderly! Mother, aunt, me, my grandmother, took place on the north side of the table, ready to 'attack with a fork in his hand. Her father, uncle, Bruno, his grandfather, found themselves on the south side, also with the fork at the ready. The "good appetite!" his grandfather had to move towards the sausages in the center for compact fronts, eating polenta srtisciolina to strip, leaving the battlefield clean. Not recommended for vertical stakes, to prevent circumvention and pincer movement of the enemy. During the `advanced was allowed a glass of red wine to fortify the spirits. The men, who by famine, arrived almost immediately to the objective-Bruno only ate a quarter-table, making fun of women, however, proceeding in an orderly, had left behind a field completely razed to suolo.Queste had, therefore, the honor of weapons and got the "chief of staff" assigned in equal shares the coveted sausages.
This ended with laughter at will, mixed with memories of youth, forks between cousins, reprimands, a few tears, a piece of candy Grandma's Cheese and consolation to the belief that all the polenta was a very special dish. Claudia Capone


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