Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Shag Band Colour Charts

Er ber Paese dello pseudo-Belli

Mentre ch'er ber paese se sprofonna
tra frane, teremoti, innondazzioni
mentre che so' finiti li mijioni
pe turà un deficì de la Madonna

Mentre scole e musei cadeno a pezzi
e l'atenei nun c'hanno più quadrini
pe' la ricerca, e i cervelli ppiù fini
vanno in artre nazzioni a cercà i mezzi

Mentre li fessi pagheno le and if taxes
steals and if imbrojia
at full blast and pensions so 'always low PPIU

A light kindled in the night. Stay calm people
We sarva the hoes there.

Giuseppe Gioacchino Belli Thus wrote almost a century and a half ago and now runs the sonnet of blogs in the blog to highlight the degradation of the Italian political class but also the society of which it is the result. Since then the time is Beautiful in the past, have followed wars, disputes, small social achievements, serious crises economiche.Le great ideas and technology have evolved, but it seems that the defects and vices of men were not even scratched the good sense of `esperienza.Pessimisti what will happen? Useless, let's face it frankly: will always go that way. There's always someone who is aware of the problems, those who speak, who would also have the willingness to change things, but the mechanisms are difficult, the power is what it is, the enthusiasm of straw fires are faced with the reality, the lights they are too faint in the sky so dark.
Aho `cce` waterfall yet I know ... The sonnet is not nice but some pasquinaro who wanted to imitate him `quite well.The only thing that consoles me is to have it published in good faith at a time in which all more or less shared the stessa rabbia e lo stesso sgomento sulle ultime nuove della politica italiana.Ma gli errori vengono per imparare per cui ,la prossima volta, starò più attenta nel verificare prima di pubblicare certe cose che girano sul web. Aho`, che vergogna!!! Belli o non Belli,restano però valide le considerazioni finali,sulle quali ,forse, l` autore sconosciuto voleva provocatoriamente farci soffermare.


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