Monday, February 28, 2011

European Style Plaque Chips


A Gaddafi licked her ass a bit 'all, the photos show this clearly. Berlusca probably exaggerated, we have a foreign policy has always been ridiculous. We could eliminate a ministry and save money.
Because bloggers are in 90% of cases propaganda from peanuts, even in the network are unable to get a picture at least slightly clear of the Libyan situation. Who are the "rebels" who are they? What they want and they all want the same thing? What do we know the way of life in the Maghreb? Nothing we do not know almost nothing. But writing this shit if we write good here, bad there, do we in the midst of the jerks.
Europe says, so there are no Italians there, ass to soak in the Mediterranean, arriving there before and they are headed. By Allah.


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