Friday, January 28, 2011

Yoplait Healthy Heart Yogurt 2009

Italiani filelleni 1821-1897. Friends of Greeks, Italians volunteers 1821-1897

Italians volunteers began arriving in rebel Greece in the summer of 1821 and came to a total of 137. Most came from Sardinia and from Naples, Sicily. In the battlefields fell 42 Italians while in battle Throw in Arta on July 4, 1822 fell 18. Also over 20, after the release joined the Greek society and stayed until the end. Lieutenant colonel Pietro Tarella-Pietro Tarella from Turin. Lt. Andrea Dana-Andrea Dania GenovaKai the two will fall in the battle of Peta Arta on July 4, 1822 Razieri-Rasieri by Pedemontio.Epese in Missolonghi on June 20, 1825. Earl Santorre-Santorre Santarosa Santarosa from Saviliano Savoie Sfaktiria fell on 8 May 1825. Kollenio -Giacinto Collegno from Turin friend Santarozakomis Gioulio-Julio Porro far from Milan, a friend of SantarozaTchis, Gkoumpernati-Gubernati from Piedmont Earl / Col Starampa-Staraba from SikeliaGkiouzepe Razarolli-Giuseppe Rosarolli, from Naples Vintsentzo Gkallina-Vincenzo Gallina from Piedmont Kiappe Joseph-Joseph Ciappe. Alerino Palma-Conte Alerino Palma lawyer by Sardinia.Pethane in Syros in 1851.
Schis Vintsentzo Vincenzo Pisa Pisa from Napoli.Pethane in Athens on July 16, 1837. Gramsci
Michele-Michele Gramsi from Naples and died age 86 years to1873 in Greece.
Pasquale Tziakomoutzi-Pasquale Giaccomuzzi from Sardinia.Pethane Nafplion on 25 January 1845.
Bruno Giovanni-Giovanni Bruno, MD from Palermo.
Φρανσουά Μπρούνο -Francois Bruno Ιατρός από την Σαρδηνία.
Νικολό Αντζελόττι -Nicolo Angelotti, ιατρός χειρούργος.
Στα επομενα χρονια έχουμε ξανά Ιταλους φιλέλληνες με χαρακτηριστικό example the General Ritsiotti Garibaldi-second-son Gkiouzeppe Garibaldi, who with armed groups, known erythrochitones Garivaldinous, έλαβε μέρος στον ατυχή Ελληνοτουρκικό Πόλεμο του 1897.
Μανολο Κασιματης
the blog
The text shows the number of Italians who began to arrive in Greece since 1821, the war of independence from the Turks on. The Italian patriots were noticed around 137 and came mostly from the kingdom of Sardinia and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilie.Persero life on the battlefield 60 combattenti.Dopo liberation, The remaining 20 were integrated into society finally recognize the names ellenica.Scorrendo Santorre Count of Santarosa Sfacteria who fell at Milan and Count Giulio Porro Lambertenghi. We note that many were officers of the armies of Piedmont and napoletano.Troviamo the participation of three doctors (i Bruno, Nicholas Angelotti) and a lawyer, Earl Alerino Palma. After 1822 came yet other Italian patriots, including the General Ricciotti Garibaldi, the second son of Joseph, who with a body of red shirts took part in the unfortunate war of 1897 the Turkish-greek.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wedding Contributions Letters

Ciao, Rosita!

Rosita was an `Italian resident in Greece for over fifty Italian woman` anni.Una simple, fair, thorough nel suo vivere quotidiano.Nel matrimonio dava esempio di amore e dedizione,visto che da quando ,mezzo secolo fa, si era sposata,era sempre rimasta accanto al marito,nel bene come nel male.Sapeva tuttavia coltivare anche le amicizie e le piaceva il volontariato. Era stata membro del CO.AS.IT.,il comitato assistenza italiani all` estero, e amava confezionare dolci e marmellate per vecchietti e italiani in difficoltà. Anche a me, in un momento critico, offrì un dolce e un sorriso: un atto gentile,un modo per dire “ti sono vicina”, al posto di tante vuote parole. Questo poteva e questo faceva con tutto il cuore Rosita. Adesso se n` è andata e lo ha fatto così come è sempre vissuta: silenziosamente e dignitosamente.Ieri,dopo greeting him for the last time, we friends have had the opportunity to reflect on the value of his life and his example. Nobody wanted to sanctify it, certainly had his faults, but these days it seemed like Rosie the symbol of the thousands of Italian and for the love they left behind, and leave again, his country abroad to follow the person are in love. They did so at the cost of enormous personal sacrifices and have remained there, creating a family, starting an activity or doing a job but also addressing the various problems that a living the same life abroad, the 'insecurity over the loss of `cultural identity can cause. They did and still do, stubborn in their choices, sure that some battles are fought on the spot, pointing your feet every day, and that the values \u200b\u200blearned at home may be transmitted to his children and all those around, without too much noise and, above all, with the `example. Women like Rosie are those, both at home and abroad, are the hard core of that part of the Italian company that wants to stand still on the values \u200b\u200bof 'honesty, work, sacrifice, convinced that only they can build a united world that looks to the future. Everything else, the media circus that we propinano with the sarabande of little women, boys, reading, money, power games are just smoke and vulgarity from a nightmare from which we all hope to wake up.
Hello, Rosita and thanks for reminding us. Claudia

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby White Blisters On Gums


During the 150 years anniversary of the Unification of Italy, we ask that the City of Athens spend in a city a plaque or a sign of recognition in memory of Italians flocked to the rescue of the Greek people during the revolution of 1821.
recall that among the many Italians in charge noticed by Ricciotti Garibaldi and Amilcare Cipriani, there were international volunteers and university students who landed illegally in Greece to participate in the greek-Turkish war. They fought alongside the Greeks in Patras and, below, Domokos in Thessaly, dove furono costretti alla ritirata dai Turchi.
La battaglia di Domokos fu una vicenda sfortunata ma gloriosa,in quanto contribuì a rendere visibile in Europa la fitta rete politica e organizzativa rappresentata dalle associazioni repubblicane,socialiste ed anarchiche che dettero manifestazione di solidarieta’ alla liberta’ del popolo greco.
Riteniamo che la rievocazione storica dei “150 dell’Unità d’Italia” riguardi anche gli Italiani all’estero, i quali,pur conservando l’identita’ della nostra Nazione, hanno contribuito, con la loro esperienza e cultura, all` evoluzione politica e sociale dei Paesi di residenza. Per la storia degli Italiani in Grecia dal 1821 ad oggi esiste un’ unique research, carried out under the auspices of the Ministry of Italians in the World, and the first results were presented in 2004 at the Italian Institute of Culture in Athens to Volos and then at the prestigious Universita'della Thessaly always with the support of the former Ministry for Italians in the World. For the organizing committee

Cav.Arch.Angelo Saracini
Prof. Claudia Capone
The video of the show is made by Damiani Kasimatis Manoli.
En'opsi celebrations of "150 years since the unification of Italy," please the mayor of Athens to devote a part of the city, a plate or a symbolic recognition in the minds of Italians who rushed to help the Greek people during the Greek Revolution of 1821. Among
Italians rushed to help the Greeks with the leaders Ricciotti Garibaldi and Amilcare Cipriani, were diethnistes volunteers and young college students who landed of ships to Greece to take part in the new Greek epanastasi.Aftoi fought alongside the Greeks in Patras and then in Domokos of Thessaly, where οι Οθωμανικές δυνάμεις τους ανάγκασαν να υποχωρήσουν.Η μάχη του Δομοκού υπήρξε ένα άτυχο αλλά και δοξασμένο επεισόδιο του πολέμου επειδή συνέβαλλε στο να show visible political and organizational dense net of democratic, socialist and anarchist organizations who have shown solidarity in the struggle for freedom του Ελληνικού Λαού.
Οι εκδηλώσεις για τα «150 χρόνια απο την ενοποίση της Ιταλίας»,αφορούν και τους Ιταλούς που μένουν στο εξωτερικό.Αυτοί, διατηρώντας την εθνική identity were part of their historical experiences and the culture, politics and social developments in the countries hosting them. As
the history of Italians in Greece from 1821 until today, was a study supported by the Ministry of Italians in the World and the first results presented in 2004 at the Italian Cultural Institute in Athens and then in Volos, in the famous University of Thessaly, always with the support of the former Ministry Italians in the World. The organizing Committee

CDI / D., Arch. Angelo Saracini
Prof / wo. Claudia Capone
Inf. The video exhibition held by Manolis Damiana Kassimatis.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Battery Operated Heating Pad

Italiani filelleni 1821-1897. Friends of Greeks, Italians volunteers 1821-1897

Manolo Kassimatis

Italians volunteers began to arrive in Greece in summer revolutionary in 1821 and came to a total of 137. Most came from Sardinia and from Naples and Sicily. In the battlefields while only 42 fell in the battle of Peta Arta on July 4, 1822 fell 18. Also over 20, after the release joined the Greek society and stayed until the end.
Colonel Pietro Ταρέλλα -Pietro Tarella από το Τορίνο.
Αντισυνταγματάρχης Αντρέα Ντάνια -Andrea Dania από την Γενοβα
Και οι δύο θα πέσουν στην μάχη του Πέτα της Άρτας στις 4 Ιουλίου 1822
Ραζιέρι -Rasieri from Piemonte. Fell to 20 June Mesolongi 1825
Earl Santorre-Santorre Santarosa Santarosa from Saviliano of Savoy. Sfaktiria fell on 8 May 1825.
Kollenio -Giacinto Collegno απο το Τορίνο φίλος του Σανταρόζα
κόμης Γιούλιο Πόρρο -Julio Porro απο το Μιλάνο, φίλος του Σανταρόζα
Τχης, Γκουμπερνάτι -Gubernati από το Πεδεμόντιο
Κόμης/Συνταγματάρχης Σταράμπα -Staraba απο την Σικελία
Γκιουζέπε Ραζαρόλλι -Giuseppe Rosarolli, από την Νεάπολη
Βιντσέντζο Γκαλλίνα -Vincenzo Gallina από το Πεδεμόντιο
Ιωσήφ Κιάππε -Joseph Ciappe.
Αλερίνο Πάλμα -Conte Alerino Palma δικηγόρος by Sardinia.Pethane in Syros 1851
Schis Vintsentzo Vincenzo Pisa Pisa from Napoli.Pethane in Athens on 16 July 1837
Gramsci Michele-Michele Gramsi from Naples and died at age 86 in 1873 in Greece
Pasquale Tziakomoutzi-Pasquale Giaccomuzzi from Sardinia.Pethane Nafplion on 25 January 1845
Bruno Giovanni-Giovanni Bruno MD from Παλέρμο
Φρανσουά Μπρούνο -Francois Bruno Ιατρός από την Σαρδηνία
Νικολό Αντζελόττι -Nicolo Angelotti, ιατρός χειρούργος

Στα επομενα χρονια έχουμε ξανά Ιταλους φιλέλληνες as exemplified by General Garibaldi Ritsiotti-second-son Gkiouzeppe Garibaldi, who with known erythrochitones Garivaldinous, έλαβε μέρος στον Ελληνοτουρκικό Πόλεμο του 1897.

πιο αναλυτικα στο μπλοκ

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Alopathy Tretment For Ankylosing

Tonia e la `memoria`.

Lately memory loss is a fact international e. .. convenient for some. For this reason we see a revision of history, from the person who was at fault. So we try to forget the resistance anywhere in the world, the civil war in Greece was a war between brothers, where both sides were right, those in Italy of the Republic of Salò was the same with the supporters (all of them were fighters), and even the Nazi soldiers were soldiers who were fighting for their homeland and therefore worthy of honor. It does not matter whether they have committed a 'multitude of crimes, this must be forgotten to the famous "peace." In this context I do not wonder that the various literary prizes in Italy go in that direction and the Greek Civil War movies (except those serving the views referred to above as 'psycho Vathi' etc) are ignored. The majority of intellectuals are sold to the new order of things. Tonia
from the list

Gift Bags For Guests At Destination Wedding

Bibit ista, Bibit ille .... Manolis

Dear Manolo,
Italian cuisine is one aspect of our culture that should not be overlooked. Represents a part of our cultural identity is something that promotes our country in the world. Unfortunately, recently it has given to the head to many. We cook on the various television channels, the races of kitchen waste, anything you must have a substrate or drinking or recreational `Buffet`, or `is` sciapo. I could cite the ancient sources or modern researchers who report that it is typical of mankind, the end of each event good or bad, the reason for the meal and sharing. But scientific explanations are addicono in questo caso ai sociologi e agli antropologi.Noi possiamo dire che effettivamente si esagera e che tutte queste manifestazioni culinarie stucchevoli, in fondo, rappresentano un vuoto di iniziative e di contenuti intellettuali al quale si sostituisce il pieno della bocca e dello stomaco. Le plebi, nel passato , si tenevano buone con la pancia piena e gli spettacoli circensi. Si è così ritornati un po` alla fase orale del bambino che quando è molto piccolo conosce il mondo attraverso la bocca e il gioco. E, d` altra parte , tutta questa cucina , forse manifesta la realizzazione di quella democraticità che nella vita sociale è difficile raggiungere: davanti a un piatto di pastasciutta , un bicchiere di vino e un buon dolce tutti ritornano uguali, al di la` del lavoro, dello stato sociale, delle idee. Mi viene in mente un passo antico della `Taverna ` dei Carmina Burana del XIII sec. circa, nel quale gli avventori di una Taverna si ritrovano a cantare, resi tutti uguali e spensierati dai fumi del vino:

Bibit pauper et egrotus, Beve il povero e il malato
Bibit exul et ignotus, Beve l` esule e l` ignoto
Bibit puer, bibit canus, Beve il giovane e il vecchio
Bibit presul et decanus, Beve il prete e il decano
Bibit soror, bibit frater, Beve la suora e il frate
Bibit anus, bibit mater, Beve la nonna, beve la madre
Bibit ista, bibit ille, Beve questa , beve quello
Bibunt centum, bibunt mille. Bevono cento, Bevono Mille!

Hurrah! Claudia Capone

Arris Cable Modem For Time Warner Cable Xbox 360

Kassimatis Damiani, a former adviser Comites says culinary demonstrations

Dear, says Manolo Kassimatis Damiani, the newspaper EUREKA (September 2010) Here are two news ----- Friends of Rhodes. Saturday, September 25 was celebrated with successful Rhodes, the first party of the "Group Italian friends at Rhodes" in the local "Bella Vita" in Faliraki. It was an evening of music and Italian cuisine mixed with family but also Greeks and other foreigners living on the island, who have renewed their fun, love for the Bel Paese. The 'Group Italian friends at Rhodes "was born spontaneously in March 2010 by Italians living on the island, given the desire but also the need for a common cultural reference point, sadly missed in recent years. The group meets twice a month in the hall of Santa Clara, near the Santa Maria Catholic Church and created a group on Facebook same name ...."
Manolis Comment:

It seems to me that most of the Italians in Greece maybe just eat .... and sing eat at parties, the tarazza `s Embassy, \u200b\u200bthe headquarters Comites, hills and part of the Acropolis, to .... eat, eat more ..... Only members of the small Communities are present (and are right in the center-left) all have grandfather and grandmother, mother and father .... but all we do not have "memory." eat or not, good luck to all!
Manolo Kassimatis-Damiani membro di un` altra comunità.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Did Bresson Ever Use Zooms

live or exist? This is the problem

Verrà la morte e avrà i tuoi occhi....
questa morte che ci accompagna
dal mattino alla sera, insonne,
sorda, come un vecchio rimorso
o un vizio assurdo.
C. Pavese
Stamattina la pioggia si è abbattuta ancora più funesta su questa città, così piagata e trascurata. Mentre schivavo con la macchina le innumerevoli buche dell'asfalto, vedevo l'acqua scorrere a frotte, vedevo la vita continuare, inesorabile e mi è tornata nel cuore la stessa sensazione atroce, di sbigottito stupore, di quando una persona cara ci lascia. E allora ho pensato a Mario Monicelli, grande regista italiano, morto suicida.
Un grande padre for our Italian culture that even in this extreme action has demonstrated a profound moral integrity and consistency.
The last final was his take, and the word order has wanted to write him.
Well yesterday on Italian TV in the late evening on what you have chosen to discuss? Bruno Vespa has set up a theater of despair, a broadcast is indecent, inannellando a number of cases of people suffering from ALS or forced into autonomic Comi. Sick and taxes imposed on families who have sacrificed their lives to allow them to continue to exist. From time to time the reference was clear and free of Eluana all'esecrabile case, the father Peppino freed from a life that could not be determined tale. Le diverse famiglie intervistate lamentavano le loro difficili condizioni, ma sottolineavano che mai e poi mai si sarebbero liberate dei loro figli.
Quale sia la vera realtà di certe situazioni lo sappiamo solo frequentando le camere di rianimazione degli ospedali, dove quotidianamente i medici sono chiamati a fare scelte estreme, condivise dolorosamente con i familiari dei pazienti. Solo chi assiste un malato terminale sa che a un certo punto quella persona chiederà che si compia il suo percorso e non si potrà far altro che lasciarla andare. Sono tutti assassini coloro che sostengono quella morte naturale?
Oggi ripensando a tutto questo in mezzo al traffico, alle buche ed a un tamponamento mi è salita dentro una rabbia cupa.
Ma cos'è this infernal mechanism that scrambles all under a false Catholic gooders? What if not a form of treacherous new fascism that controls our lives? In Italy today than in the past you can not declare that switch off, without triggering the hearing criticism from pro-life groups, you can not commit suicide without lifting a concert of recrimination and, ironically, you can not escape an unhappy life, because I'll requires "the Cross". If you have a sick person at home you gotta make a right and take your cross even a lifetime. So what if the choice is obvious bitterly by all other members of the family group? These will be a thousand times tempted to give up, to pull back, but the social body will become increasingly fierce, ready to defuse any crisis, except for any of these suicides. One would think as Leopardi, namely that the suffering of individuals is necessary for a Conn-tured and universal. But the same
Leopardi (in fact lived in the Papal States) against the resigned acceptance of life reacted first with the protest of suicide, (Brutus minor dialogue Plotinus and Porphyry), then show us the way in the social chain and ie in helping men. (The Broom).
In this regard I do not think I ever believed in that Monicelli social support. In his last public statements seemed more disillusioned and extremely critical and bitter towards the Italian people. During a call Santoro with his thundering voice was terrible against the Italians, historically incapable of any type of rebellion. But shortly after we found among university students demonstrating for Roman cuts to education. E 'was that one of his last public appearances.
There are ways to die than to say a lot about the thickness of some men: a state of suffering can result in a final moment of redemption, and why not, even in protest. There are high
forms of love of life and willful waste of life, all that you drag to inertia, to pain, agony. The boundary between
to live and there is often very thin and crossed almost daily adventures in our soul. Why be surprised that a wise man chose to fly away? Why fight a crusade to existing bodies that no longer have a life? Why wonder that a father has chosen to let go of her daughter? The individual has its own dignity, but that word seems to have lost all value in our beautiful country. Cesare Pavese
left a note of apology in which he called everyone not to make too many rumors about his death.
Monicelli I think would agree. Velia
Capone, 1 / 12 / 2010
Velia Capone is a young intellectual who lives in Rome. She, too, with the sue riflessioni , dimostra che è dentro i problemi dell`Italia e del mondo e sa che con il dialogo tra più parti molti interrogativi sulla società, sull`economia e sulla politica possono essere visti da vari punti di vista e meglio chiariti a se stessi e agli altri. La sua presa di posizione è importante perchè dimostra che gli intellettuali non si sono affatto arrugginiti, ma hanno, nonostante le aberrazioni dei mezzi di comunicazione e qualche pigrizia dovuta a privilegi spesso assicurati, ancora la voglia di porgere idee ai giovani perchè questi, a loro volta, sviluppino capacità critiche e senso della realtà in cui vivono.