Thursday, January 13, 2011

Baby White Blisters On Gums


During the 150 years anniversary of the Unification of Italy, we ask that the City of Athens spend in a city a plaque or a sign of recognition in memory of Italians flocked to the rescue of the Greek people during the revolution of 1821.
recall that among the many Italians in charge noticed by Ricciotti Garibaldi and Amilcare Cipriani, there were international volunteers and university students who landed illegally in Greece to participate in the greek-Turkish war. They fought alongside the Greeks in Patras and, below, Domokos in Thessaly, dove furono costretti alla ritirata dai Turchi.
La battaglia di Domokos fu una vicenda sfortunata ma gloriosa,in quanto contribuì a rendere visibile in Europa la fitta rete politica e organizzativa rappresentata dalle associazioni repubblicane,socialiste ed anarchiche che dettero manifestazione di solidarieta’ alla liberta’ del popolo greco.
Riteniamo che la rievocazione storica dei “150 dell’Unità d’Italia” riguardi anche gli Italiani all’estero, i quali,pur conservando l’identita’ della nostra Nazione, hanno contribuito, con la loro esperienza e cultura, all` evoluzione politica e sociale dei Paesi di residenza. Per la storia degli Italiani in Grecia dal 1821 ad oggi esiste un’ unique research, carried out under the auspices of the Ministry of Italians in the World, and the first results were presented in 2004 at the Italian Institute of Culture in Athens to Volos and then at the prestigious Universita'della Thessaly always with the support of the former Ministry for Italians in the World. For the organizing committee

Cav.Arch.Angelo Saracini
Prof. Claudia Capone
The video of the show is made by Damiani Kasimatis Manoli.
En'opsi celebrations of "150 years since the unification of Italy," please the mayor of Athens to devote a part of the city, a plate or a symbolic recognition in the minds of Italians who rushed to help the Greek people during the Greek Revolution of 1821. Among
Italians rushed to help the Greeks with the leaders Ricciotti Garibaldi and Amilcare Cipriani, were diethnistes volunteers and young college students who landed of ships to Greece to take part in the new Greek epanastasi.Aftoi fought alongside the Greeks in Patras and then in Domokos of Thessaly, where οι Οθωμανικές δυνάμεις τους ανάγκασαν να υποχωρήσουν.Η μάχη του Δομοκού υπήρξε ένα άτυχο αλλά και δοξασμένο επεισόδιο του πολέμου επειδή συνέβαλλε στο να show visible political and organizational dense net of democratic, socialist and anarchist organizations who have shown solidarity in the struggle for freedom του Ελληνικού Λαού.
Οι εκδηλώσεις για τα «150 χρόνια απο την ενοποίση της Ιταλίας»,αφορούν και τους Ιταλούς που μένουν στο εξωτερικό.Αυτοί, διατηρώντας την εθνική identity were part of their historical experiences and the culture, politics and social developments in the countries hosting them. As
the history of Italians in Greece from 1821 until today, was a study supported by the Ministry of Italians in the World and the first results presented in 2004 at the Italian Cultural Institute in Athens and then in Volos, in the famous University of Thessaly, always with the support of the former Ministry Italians in the World. The organizing Committee

CDI / D., Arch. Angelo Saracini
Prof / wo. Claudia Capone
Inf. The video exhibition held by Manolis Damiana Kassimatis.


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