Sunday, January 2, 2011

Did Bresson Ever Use Zooms

live or exist? This is the problem

Verrà la morte e avrà i tuoi occhi....
questa morte che ci accompagna
dal mattino alla sera, insonne,
sorda, come un vecchio rimorso
o un vizio assurdo.
C. Pavese
Stamattina la pioggia si è abbattuta ancora più funesta su questa città, così piagata e trascurata. Mentre schivavo con la macchina le innumerevoli buche dell'asfalto, vedevo l'acqua scorrere a frotte, vedevo la vita continuare, inesorabile e mi è tornata nel cuore la stessa sensazione atroce, di sbigottito stupore, di quando una persona cara ci lascia. E allora ho pensato a Mario Monicelli, grande regista italiano, morto suicida.
Un grande padre for our Italian culture that even in this extreme action has demonstrated a profound moral integrity and consistency.
The last final was his take, and the word order has wanted to write him.
Well yesterday on Italian TV in the late evening on what you have chosen to discuss? Bruno Vespa has set up a theater of despair, a broadcast is indecent, inannellando a number of cases of people suffering from ALS or forced into autonomic Comi. Sick and taxes imposed on families who have sacrificed their lives to allow them to continue to exist. From time to time the reference was clear and free of Eluana all'esecrabile case, the father Peppino freed from a life that could not be determined tale. Le diverse famiglie intervistate lamentavano le loro difficili condizioni, ma sottolineavano che mai e poi mai si sarebbero liberate dei loro figli.
Quale sia la vera realtà di certe situazioni lo sappiamo solo frequentando le camere di rianimazione degli ospedali, dove quotidianamente i medici sono chiamati a fare scelte estreme, condivise dolorosamente con i familiari dei pazienti. Solo chi assiste un malato terminale sa che a un certo punto quella persona chiederà che si compia il suo percorso e non si potrà far altro che lasciarla andare. Sono tutti assassini coloro che sostengono quella morte naturale?
Oggi ripensando a tutto questo in mezzo al traffico, alle buche ed a un tamponamento mi è salita dentro una rabbia cupa.
Ma cos'è this infernal mechanism that scrambles all under a false Catholic gooders? What if not a form of treacherous new fascism that controls our lives? In Italy today than in the past you can not declare that switch off, without triggering the hearing criticism from pro-life groups, you can not commit suicide without lifting a concert of recrimination and, ironically, you can not escape an unhappy life, because I'll requires "the Cross". If you have a sick person at home you gotta make a right and take your cross even a lifetime. So what if the choice is obvious bitterly by all other members of the family group? These will be a thousand times tempted to give up, to pull back, but the social body will become increasingly fierce, ready to defuse any crisis, except for any of these suicides. One would think as Leopardi, namely that the suffering of individuals is necessary for a Conn-tured and universal. But the same
Leopardi (in fact lived in the Papal States) against the resigned acceptance of life reacted first with the protest of suicide, (Brutus minor dialogue Plotinus and Porphyry), then show us the way in the social chain and ie in helping men. (The Broom).
In this regard I do not think I ever believed in that Monicelli social support. In his last public statements seemed more disillusioned and extremely critical and bitter towards the Italian people. During a call Santoro with his thundering voice was terrible against the Italians, historically incapable of any type of rebellion. But shortly after we found among university students demonstrating for Roman cuts to education. E 'was that one of his last public appearances.
There are ways to die than to say a lot about the thickness of some men: a state of suffering can result in a final moment of redemption, and why not, even in protest. There are high
forms of love of life and willful waste of life, all that you drag to inertia, to pain, agony. The boundary between
to live and there is often very thin and crossed almost daily adventures in our soul. Why be surprised that a wise man chose to fly away? Why fight a crusade to existing bodies that no longer have a life? Why wonder that a father has chosen to let go of her daughter? The individual has its own dignity, but that word seems to have lost all value in our beautiful country. Cesare Pavese
left a note of apology in which he called everyone not to make too many rumors about his death.
Monicelli I think would agree. Velia
Capone, 1 / 12 / 2010
Velia Capone is a young intellectual who lives in Rome. She, too, with the sue riflessioni , dimostra che è dentro i problemi dell`Italia e del mondo e sa che con il dialogo tra più parti molti interrogativi sulla società, sull`economia e sulla politica possono essere visti da vari punti di vista e meglio chiariti a se stessi e agli altri. La sua presa di posizione è importante perchè dimostra che gli intellettuali non si sono affatto arrugginiti, ma hanno, nonostante le aberrazioni dei mezzi di comunicazione e qualche pigrizia dovuta a privilegi spesso assicurati, ancora la voglia di porgere idee ai giovani perchè questi, a loro volta, sviluppino capacità critiche e senso della realtà in cui vivono.


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