Ciao, Rosita!
Rosita was an `Italian resident in Greece for over fifty Italian woman` anni.Una simple, fair, thorough nel suo vivere quotidiano.Nel matrimonio dava esempio di amore e dedizione,visto che da quando ,mezzo secolo fa, si era sposata,era sempre rimasta accanto al marito,nel bene come nel male.Sapeva tuttavia coltivare anche le amicizie e le piaceva il volontariato. Era stata membro del CO.AS.IT.,il comitato assistenza italiani all` estero, e amava confezionare dolci e marmellate per vecchietti e italiani in difficoltà. Anche a me, in un momento critico, offrì un dolce e un sorriso: un atto gentile,un modo per dire “ti sono vicina”, al posto di tante vuote parole. Questo poteva e questo faceva con tutto il cuore Rosita. Adesso se n` è andata e lo ha fatto così come è sempre vissuta: silenziosamente e dignitosamente.Ieri,dopo greeting him for the last time, we friends have had the opportunity to reflect on the value of his life and his example. Nobody wanted to sanctify it, certainly had his faults, but these days it seemed like Rosie the symbol of the thousands of Italian and for the love they left behind, and leave again, his country abroad to follow the person are in love. They did so at the cost of enormous personal sacrifices and have remained there, creating a family, starting an activity or doing a job but also addressing the various problems that a living the same life abroad, the 'insecurity over the loss of `cultural identity can cause. They did and still do, stubborn in their choices, sure that some battles are fought on the spot, pointing your feet every day, and that the values \u200b\u200blearned at home may be transmitted to his children and all those around, without too much noise and, above all, with the `example. Women like Rosie are those, both at home and abroad, are the hard core of that part of the Italian company that wants to stand still on the values \u200b\u200bof 'honesty, work, sacrifice, convinced that only they can build a united world that looks to the future. Everything else, the media circus that we propinano with the sarabande of little women, boys, reading, money, power games are just smoke and vulgarity from a nightmare from which we all hope to wake up.
Hello, Rosita and thanks for reminding us. Claudia
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