Vicinanza ai Giapponesi
Our blog expresses solidarity and closeness to the people of Japan during these hours associated with mourning and despair at the loss of life and property the `fear of a further nuclear accident. Of course, we can just wide of material aid, but we can participate in our words, thinking that the world is on the topic of the nuclear energy. Many times we have focused on natural disasters, almost always the man they have cause. Faced with a catastrophic earthquake or a tsunami, however, the human forces are not the protagonists, can only count victims and regain their exact size of almost anything in front of the powerful forces of nature and the universe. On the nuclear issue politicians, those who serve the people, citizens and the piece of Earth that responsibility should govern, should speak with a firm no, beyond the national economic interests, too narrow to deal with any disasters worldwide. Industrialized countries, slaves `s desperate search for energy sources, should always keep in mind that nuclear power is dangerous, that nothing and no one can guarantee their safety. They can not bury our heads in the sand, pretending that all is well up to a possible next disaster because going to the `self-destruction and could deliver to future generations the Earth reduced to a desert of shadows.
But how many times has already been say that? Who will listen? Spring forward here, in Japan the cherry blossoms still bloom here and there, but nobody has the courage to enjoy its beauty. Japanese poor, poor us! Claudia Capone
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
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200 of 300 refugees have returned to Athens to Crete ... ... ... beautiful Arzilli
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Monday, March 14, 2011
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A full house
Today we welcomed back after two weeks of maternity license ', consumed in small sips to not leave us unprotected.
E 'was a real assault: there were 41 dental patients, but there are many good things. I also helped with part of abstractions ... and 17:30 for all the "toothache" were resolved.
again thank the dentists who have left hours ago and have further strengthened our dental office, and I congratulate all the undeniable ability to Mercy 'organization of work ... also assisted in this by more and more 'good Eunice.
Fr Beppe
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Way of the Cross for our day
A) Contesto biblico
A) Contesto biblico
“Dopo essere stato condannato a morte, umiliato e percosso, Gesu’ riceve sulle spalle ormai dolenti per le sferzate, il duro legno della croce. Egli si avvia verso il Calvario tra due ali di folla che lo beffeggiano e lo scherniscono.”
B) Attualizzazione e riflessione
The Cottolengo said to be feared that when all things go well, and that needs to be happy all the times when there are setbacks and problems.
The Cottolengo himself was threatened more than once and even indicted. St. Vincent also said that God's works are always marked by suffering.
Well, I think I can say that we are on track Chaar, because the cross always comes to visit and to hear his bitter taste in our mouth.
often the cross is presented in the form of accusations that seem unfair. For example, I was verbally accused by relatives of having caused the death of a donna che era stata ricoverata a Chaaria per una patologia molto seria. La donna lascia 4 figli ed un marito vedovo.
Non intendo lamentarmi di queste accuse (forse dettate solo dall’emotivita’), perché so che fare il medico comporta anche questo, ed in Italia sarebbe sicuramente peggio... So anche di aver agito in scienza e coscienza. Però mi sento un nodo alla gola, perché davvero io cerco di fare tutto quello che posso per difendere e promuovere la vita: mi alzo di notte e corro qua e là tutto il giorno per aiutare pazienti spesso in condizioni disperate. Anche ieri, che era domenica abbiamo avuto cinque cesarei ed un raschiamento, oltre ai normali pazienti ambulatoriali. È chiaro che la Medicina is not like mathematics, and the accounts often do not add up, especially when you are alone to make clinical decisions, and you do not have all the diagnostic and therapeutic tools, which instead would be required to minimize the possibility of professional misconduct.
I hope it ends in nothing, and I can continue to help these needy people without any legal problems ... Indeed I do believe that there will be no follow-up to this mess only emotional and tied to the feelings of mourning ... What is certain is that sometimes I get a little 'fear when I am faced with complex cases, maybe I can not report to any other hospital because, for example, the road is impraticabile.
Devo decidere se aiutare e correre qualche rischio, o se proteggermi le spalle, e rischiare che la persona non riceva l'aiuto di cui ha bisogno. Generalmente il mio cuore mi dice che è meglio sbagliare provando ad aiutare, piuttosto che lasciar morire una persona perché si ha paura di sbagliare l'approccio terapeutico. In questi giorni sono un po’ giù, perché mi sento a volte incompreso e preso di mira: è di pochi anni fa un altro caso finito in nulla in cui una famiglia mi aveva accusato di aver ucciso un bambino trasfondendogli sangue di gruppo non compatibile. Io ero sicuro di me stesso. Ero stato io personalmente a fare i gruppi sanguigni e le prove crociate, perché was at night, I started the transfusion as a measure of desperation, and the child had died shortly afterwards, not for my transfusion, but the desperate conditions due to extreme anemia and malaria (he had less than 4 g of hemoglobin). But the mother was more interested in the timeline: the first was still breathing, then the transfusion was initiated, and finally the child is dead ... to which the case had to be infused blood to the doctor. Even then they were days of anguish in which I said to myself, what do I need to get up at night and "banging" until it any more, then if the reward is that?
C) Prayer
"Sir, the answer comes only by faith, increase my faith and help me to believe that I have to serve the sick and the poor for your sake, and not for the human reward for the success and gratitude. Even you, O Lord, you came rewarded with the cross, after trying to help everyone and to have cured a lot of people. You too, when the man with the withered hand guaristi in the synagogue on the Sabbath, it was mentioned that you had made a mistake, and that it could not heal a suffering on a day of rest commanded by law.
I believe, Lord, that You protect both me and my profession, and hospital Chaar, because everything we do is done with heart rectum and with the sole intent to help others. "
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oxen rushed to close the fence with the loot
oxen rushed to close the fence with the loot
In Greece, the tax inspectors will accept a single euro to''bribe''will go to jail for 10 years. E 'as it sets, as the press writes Hellenic, a new and more' strict code of conduct drawn up by the Ministry of Finance and which will come 'soon force.
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Sunday, March 13, 2011
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Medieval music - Saltarello by Arany Zoltán
Italian music of the fourteenth century: a pop up that takes us back to a wonderful atmosphere of the courts of other times .
"[...] for that, entered a room on earth, there saw the tables set with white tablecloths and glasses that seemed d'Arienti, and flowers of every sort of broom covered: for that, given the water hands, as it pleased the queen, according to the national Parmenie, all went down. The food were delicately made and very fine wines were: and no more, quietly served them three family tables. Of such things, for what was nice and tidy, welcomed everyone, with pleasing slogans and party ate, and lift up the boards, with which this was all they knew Donna Carol and similarly young and some of them very well and sounding and sing, the queen ordered that the instruments were, and the command of Dioneo she took a lute and Fiammetta a violets, began a dance to ring softly. For the queen with other women, along with two young co `taking a carol, with slow pace, sent the family to eat, Carol began, and that's over, and happy songs began vaghette cantare.E stood in that way so that time seemed to the queen `s going to sleep
.....". From the Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio.
Italian music of the fourteenth century: a pop up that takes us back to a wonderful atmosphere of the courts of other times .
"[...] for that, entered a room on earth, there saw the tables set with white tablecloths and glasses that seemed d'Arienti, and flowers of every sort of broom covered: for that, given the water hands, as it pleased the queen, according to the national Parmenie, all went down. The food were delicately made and very fine wines were: and no more, quietly served them three family tables. Of such things, for what was nice and tidy, welcomed everyone, with pleasing slogans and party ate, and lift up the boards, with which this was all they knew Donna Carol and similarly young and some of them very well and sounding and sing, the queen ordered that the instruments were, and the command of Dioneo she took a lute and Fiammetta a violets, began a dance to ring softly. For the queen with other women, along with two young co `taking a carol, with slow pace, sent the family to eat, Carol began, and that's over, and happy songs began vaghette cantare.E stood in that way so that time seemed to the queen `s going to sleep
.....". From the Decameron by Giovanni Boccaccio.
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A Way of the Cross for our day
a) biblical context.
'Jesus' is dragged before the High Priest first, and then before Pilate. An angry mob calls for their death sentence. The same people who shout, 'Crucify him!' sono quelle che in precedenza sono state da Lui beneficate e miracolate. Si costruiscono false accuse. Si individuano falsi testimoni... Ed alla fine Gesu’ viene condannato a morte senza possibilita’ di appello”, e viene esposto al pubblico ludibrio: “Ecce homo”. Tutti possono sputare su di Lui.
b) Commento e attualizzazione.
Anche oggi Gesu’ viene accusato ingiustamente e condannato a morte. Possiamo pensare a tanti “poveri Cristi” che anche al giorno d’oggi soffrono persecuzioni in varie parti del mondo.
Ma la nostra meditazione deve essere personale e deve aiutarci a fare un piccolo passo avanti in questa nostra quaresima 2011. Non pensiamo ai regimi totalitari che perseguitano o alle situazioni ingiuste in cui le minoranze vengono soppresse per motivi religiosi. Pensiamo invece a noi stessi, a tutte le volte in cui siamo noi a condannare a morte Gesu’ anche oggi; a metterlo in croce con i nostri comportamenti scorretti.
In questa prima stazione della ‘via crucis per i nostri giorni’ voglio pensare a tutte le volte in cui ci siamo eretti a giudici senza appello ed abbiamo condannato il nostro prossimo in modo scorretto e malizioso.
Lo abbiamo fatto con la nostra lingua, ed in questo abbiamo agito come Pilato e come Caifa. Abbiamo sparlato e calunniato, rovinando la reputazione di altri.
Sparlare dei confratelli e degli amici e’ un peccato gravissimo. Credo di poter affermare che la maldicenza sia una degna figlia del “Padre di tutte le menzogne”. Le chiacciere ed il parlar male sono a mio giudizio paragonabili ad una coltellata alle spalle. Il gossip (termine inglese per chiacchiera malevola) infatti e’ un’azione codarda; e’ l’atto di chi vuol ferire senza uccidere, e soprattutto vuol nascondersi nell’ombra. Proprio per questo e’ un atto di profonda ingiustizia, perche’ colpisce coloro che sono ignari delle chiacchiere nei loro confronti; li distrugge senza dar loro la possibilita’ di difendersi (proprio come e’ successo a Gesu’ davanti al suo tribunale). E’ un processo in contumacia in cui la condanna e’ senza misericordia, pur basandosi su prove a dir poco inattendibili. Con le calunnie si puo’ distruggere una persona, spezzare il suo cuore e rovinarle la sua vita per sempre: si puo’ mettere sulla sua fronte un marchio che non si potra’ piu’ cancellare. Anche se poi si cerchera’ di emendare e di ricostruire una reputazione distrutta dal gossip, questa non ritornera’ mai piu’ come prima. La maldicenza lascia macchie indelebili, anche nei rapporti fraterni: chi ne e’ stato vittima, fara 'hard to forgive the perpetrators of his own destruction, and even if it succeeds' slowly, can not 'but' never forget ... and frost invader 'those communities' right to gossip that they were not assigned for know what benefits. With this irresponsible practice, certainly we want to claim to be better than the people we are talking about evil, and just when we feel 'of their saints and Ii do cry, maybe we go to pray punctually ... and we feel fine (The chief priests did not want the bodies of crucified remain exposed on the Sabbath, not to defile). But can 'God be pleased with the prayer that comes from an evil heart who likes to hurt others, based solely on hearsay?
Despite all the proclamations of holiness, 'and who' committed to build only slander divisions within the community '. The problem
'backbiting that often arises by rumors that are untrue, that are distorted and inflated. Often we ourselves are not sure if the stories we heard about a "poor Christ" are true or not.
'backbiting that often arises by rumors that are untrue, that are distorted and inflated. Often we ourselves are not sure if the stories we heard about a "poor Christ" are true or not.
Just a little 'of introspection to stop this weed so bad that he did and does. It would simply ask: "What I've heard are true or not? And if I'm not sure that is true, 'cause I repeat, and the story? What 'the good I want to sow saying these words heavy?
preach so much love for one another, and we do not realize that the gossip violates the law of love of neighbor, and 'a condemnation. We become severe judges who notice the speck in your brother, but not the beam that makes them blind. Preach mercy, but we use our Ligurian treacherous as a weapon, "like a bat, a sword, an arrow pointed" toward others (Pro 25:18). Not even we realize, but speaking ill of others, we violate the fifth commandment, 'cause you can' really kill with slander, you can 'destroy a person psychologically, then you can create wounds that are difficult to heal. Guns kill the body, but the gossip gives a slow inner death that does not seem less painful.
then we go to confession for trivial, but how many times will you remember to accuse us before the minister of God to have destroyed the good name of the shadow of a person ignorant, based only on hearsay, and perhaps driven by feelings envy and unfair competition against him?
fact, when slandered, we speak evil or mischief, in practice we are under the dominion of our pride. The gossip is nurtured in the fertile soil of our own pride in our desire to feel superior to others, and therefore entitled to judge their intentions and to give them lessons. So we are like Pilate and how people who condemn Israel's' Jesus two thousand years ago.
c) Commitment.
We are all cocky, and we are all envious. Eradicate the weeds of gossip from our hearts will not be 'easy. Can 'be a challenge that lasts a lifetime.
To fight the gossip in our personal lives, we must cultivate humility ', we think that, before God, we are far worse people to Talk About.
We also need prayer. Only God can 'help to overcome this instinct and primordial evil ourselves up as judges of terrible toward our fellow men, we must ask him the ability' to love, and to abandon any desire to destroy our neighbor. It 'so intense prayer that can' help us achieve a life free from scandal.
This could be a big commitment for the beginning of our Lent: to ask to Jesus' heart to give us his simple, humble and innocent, a heart that knows how to always see the good in others and to forgive evil, always refraining from processing the other in absentia, and criticisms malignant and without certain proof.
d) Prayer.
"Dear Jesus, 'perdomami for all the times I said something wrong, and so careless of others and I have condemned them in my heart, just to feel better than them. Help me to think before speaking, and especially before you convict someone without appeal. Help me to love all Sometimes I open my mouth and use the language. Help me, dear Jesus' not to form an idea about people from what other people tell me. The hear-say may not be correct, and could be built only from feelings and things reported, distorted and exaggerated. Amen "
Fr Beppe Gaido
Fr Beppe Gaido
PS: In the picture the first Station of the Cross drawn by Regazzi Korogocho on batik. This is the 'Ecce Homo, inculturated in an environment of slums.
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here in Athens so we
An Athenian citizen does not neglect public affairs when waiting to their private affairs, but especially not address the public affairs for private resolve its issues.
An Athenian citizen does not neglect public affairs when waiting to their private affairs, but especially not address the public affairs for private resolve its issues.
The laws here ensure equal justice for all in their private disputes, but we never ignore the merits excellence.
When a citizen stands, then it will be, in preference to others, called to serve the state, but not as an act of privilege as a reward of merit , and poverty is not a ground .
Pericles - Speech to the Athenians, 461 BC
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Percentage Of Hospitals Using Bedside Scanning
Reporting scientific
Non so se questo possa avere alcun valore scientifico o se dipenda semplicemente dal fatto che a Chaaria vediamo tantissimi pazienti ogni giorno (campione quindi molto elevato), ma desidero segnalare che negli ultimi due anni abbiamo visto tre casi di sindrome (o triade) di Kartagener.
Si tratta di una anomalia probabilmente congenita ed assai rara, anche chiamata sindrome “delle ciglia immobili”, in quanto vi e’ pure un deficit delle ciglia ed un difetto del trasporto mucociliare.
La classica triade della sindrome di Kartagener consta di:
1) bronchiectasis
2) defect in development of the paranasal sinuses
3) transposition of the viscera
Clinically presents with bronchitis, sinusitis and ear infections. Bronchitis and respiratory disorders were present in all three patients came to our attention. All complained of difficulty 'all'espettorazione.
48% of cases have "situs inversus viscerum" (with the right heart, liver, left, spleen on the right, etc.). In our small series, two cases had a complete transposition of the organs, while in only one patient had dextrocardia with liver and spleen in place.
30% was evident on chest X-ray bronchiestasie. One of our case had a right pulmonary fibrosis interesting nearly all the lungs with the exception of quotes.
shows 20% of digital clubbing as a sign of chronic hypoxia. Even in this case a patient on 3 of our series suffered from this condition.
The literature also describes an infertility 'male involvement microtubular complex tails of sperm, but on this we found no clinical Chaar since two of our cases were women, and male age was' pre-pubertal.
This signal is supposed to be a stimulus to investigate if maybe the black race had a genetic predisposition to the disease more 'pronounced than in Caucasians.
Fr Dr Joseph Gaido
1) Colombo et al. Treaty of Surgery. Minerva Medica
2) Butterwoorths. Medical Dictionary. Macdonald Critchley
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Europeans have it with the Greeks ...
because ... '
because ... '
have invented the art of flirting ...
Paris city of love? Not exactly, because in ranking of the cities where they hang out more , the French capital is only 38th. The first
? The city of philosophers "serious" Athens.
? The city of philosophers "serious" Athens.
What is in fact the city has the most passionate lovers? The "seriosissima 'city of philosophers, the home of Plato and Aristotle, for instance. Athens, the capital of Greece.
And to those who have always thought that Paris was the city of love par excellence, here they are served: the French capital is only the 38th place! Second place? Here's another surprise: the cold and icy Moscow. Best of Paris went to Rome, the Eternal City, which was ranked eighth . Other classified: Madrid, at 31st place, London, 57th, 79th and Berlin to New York even 89esima. Were analyzed in all 200 cities in the world, with an analysis of over 12 million flirt in 180 different countries.
The secret of Athens? Greek citizens seem to like so much about, discuss, meet and have fun. The expert says: "Having an affair, followed by perhaps even sexual encounters does not mean the end of relationships, but a ritual of social interaction. The old flirt, married people flirting, and young people today simply use what technology offers them available: the Athenians do only what they have always done. " On the other hand, the expert points out, " already in Plato's time the Greeks loved to flirt . They were called symposia, meetings philosophical with a wine and amorous encounters.
The secret of Athens? Greek citizens seem to like so much about, discuss, meet and have fun. The expert says: "Having an affair, followed by perhaps even sexual encounters does not mean the end of relationships, but a ritual of social interaction. The old flirt, married people flirting, and young people today simply use what technology offers them available: the Athenians do only what they have always done. " On the other hand, the expert points out, " already in Plato's time the Greeks loved to flirt . They were called symposia, meetings philosophical with a wine and amorous encounters.
Friday, March 11, 2011
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thank the volunteers who leave
warmly thank Dr. Ninni, dentist, who today passed away after two weeks of excellent service and cooperation in the dental practice.
We thank Anna Maria for his loving service at the Good Sons. They Have a safe journey back to Cagliari.
Tomorrow greet Dr. Erico Postini Postini and daughter Dr. Silvia, both dentists, who fall in Turin.
For them the gratitude extends not only to the completion of service for our patients, including new tools with which they have enriched our dental clinic. These gifts have made us feel important and have further improved the image of the hospital.
We thank them for the new autoclave and 'able to sterilize the tools necessary to cure a single patient in a very short time of three minutes. Then say thanks for the still water and that 'necessary for the operation of an autoclave so advanced.
Li ringraziamo per il rilevatore d'apice, nuovo ed importantissimo strumento che la moderna tecnologia ci offre per ottimizzare le cure canalari conservative dei nostri pazienti. Mercy ha oggi imparato ad usare questo nuovo apparecchio, e credo che abbia compreso benissimo il suo valore ed il modo con cui usarlo.
Li ringraziamo per il molto materiale odontoiatrico di consumo da essi portato a Chaaria.
Per tutte queste cose il nostro grazie si estende a tutta la Associazione Volontari Mission Cottolengo, ed in particolare al dott Joseph Farnese, who, with Dr. Postini, did so much to arrive at a dental office as functional and aesthetically appealing. We thank them for the effort you have taken is to maintain the supply of the material that we find here in Kenya, both for the will 'to cooperate with Mercy in a direct way to optimize, continuously improve and speed up our performance.
Special thanks also to Dr. Anna Postini, graduate student in Pediatrics, for giving us the beautiful and functional new unit, we have placed on the second chair.
Now, even in the presence of a volunteer and our Mercy, we will be active on two together, even as our unit 'rotating' was repaired.
For Anna (and the fiancé Olivier) a big thank for giving favors to the fast-approaching wedding in May, and giving us an instrument as modern ... and necessary.
again I thank the Association of Volunteers in Mission Cottolengo for repairing the scaler, which will allow us 'to resume our service scaling stopped for a while' time.
I thank God for all this activity and commitment to Chaar. For Dr Postini is a commitment and perseverance with a dream he cultivated for 16 years ... but now I study 'almost complete. And I must say that the results are excellent: and 'a really nice studio.
We left with the intention of starting now, working on a partnership with Mercy, making her a direct interface of Dr. Postini and Dr Farnese, for work of greater harmonization in the techniques used, for a training plan that Mercy to flourish thanks to the Italian colleagues ... and possibly also to take up the subject of dentistry in dental prosthetic Chaar.
A great prophet of our day who said he stopped dreaming and 'old ... but we of dreams for the dental office we still have many.
Fr Beppe
Thursday, March 10, 2011
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The steamroller of Chaar
The number of patients is very high.
We have no place to put them. All rooms have two beds for patients. We also spread mattresses on the floor in the new building of the CDF.
Every day we say "today to dismiss a lot of people, and then solve the problem of shortage of beds ... but then he admitted as much, and the situation does not change.
Every night around 21 is the same story: the surgery is still pieno di malati gravi; bisogna ricoverarli... ma dove li mettiamo?
Siamo arrivati addirittura al punto di lasciare i malati sulle barelle di trasporto che si trasformano quindi in letti di emergenza. Abbiamo messo brandine volanti ovunque, ma i "nuovi arrivi" fioccano, e non abbiamo neppure il tempo di lasciar raffreddare i materassi dopo la dimissione.
Anche la situazione in ambulatorio non è molto più rosea che nei reparti.
I clienti ci sopraffanno; il corridoio brulica di persone come in un formicaio. Tutti si lamentano ed alzano la voce perchè aspettano da troppe ore di essere serviti... ma come fare ad essere più veloci: i malati sono effettivamente moltissimi... forse più di 450 pazienti ambulatoriali ogni giorno.
Quando mi dicono: "che razza di ospedale è questo, che fa attendere una persona dalle 8 di mattina alle 3 del pomeriggio prima di vedere il medico?", io vorrei rispondere loro che la notte scorsa ho avuto un raschiamento alle 22.30, ed un cesareo all'una del mattino; che sono in servizio dalle 7.30 di stamane e mi sono concesso un pranzo di cinque minuti. Ma poi penso che è meglio stare zitto e mandare giù i rospi più amari.
Gli esseri umani sono autocentrati e forse egoisti di natura.
Al paziente non può interessare che tu pranzi in dieci minuti maybe 4 pm, or for years not give you a short siesta, or a decade you are on call every night (including Sundays). They care to be served quickly, smoothly and that no hall.
Everything else is to accept, to offer the Lord, and living as a Lenten sacrifice.
Fr Beppe Gaido
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Looking for a meaning ...
Often we feel helpless and useless. We ask ourselves seriously what's the cure malaria had a child, knowing full well that he would die the same then the next attack. Sometimes we feel like the dwarves who try to stem the collapse of a dam by putting your thumb in the holes of the wall: what's the fight when you have no means, what is the point when pursuing a diagnosis at the end you know that you will not have no money and no tools to offer a cure: see all those young people who die of cancer or renal or cardiac survive elsewhere and know that you feel like a worm ... Oh yes, because if I was cancer, I would certainly moved to Italy and receives all the therapy last minute.
How far from the ideal of Cottolengo who wanted simply to be hospitalized in one of the beds of its poor.
Fr Beppe Gaido
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Parent, "Neorion Holdings' announced that the subsidiary undertook this action because of liquidity problems. At the same time issued an injunction, which to discuss application for membership in the process of suspending prosecutions of individual creditors to the detriment of the yard.
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Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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from Sardinia ...
Montresta ( OR), hometown Itilo (Mani) will begin next week to Areopolis-ITIL 17.marzo festival (feast of
proloco Montresta Sardinia
Montresta ( OR), hometown Itilo (Mani) will begin next week to Areopolis-ITIL 17.marzo festival (feast of
independence of hands). After over 260 years to return home!
Montresta Sardinia Italy from Itilo native country (Mani) Depart for next week will Areopolis-ITIL for the party of the 17.march (independence of Mani peninsula). Our Come back over 260 years Nostos!
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Chaar Even today we begin the time commitment and conversion of Lent.
We did this at 8 this morning with a heartfelt celebration of the Eucharist in which religious, employees and hospital patients have received the sign of ashes on the forehead.
Coupons child had had their Mass tonight at 17 Center.
"Remember that you are ashes and to ashes you shall return ," he announced again the priest, while imposing the sad sign of Lent: Honesty is not 'so' difficult to remember, in a context of life as to Chaar, where death comes to visit us every moment and not risarmia any age group '. We see babies every day, adults and elderly people "return to dust." Even last night Fr Giancarlo has filled the ambulance so many little bodies of children and some corpses of adults: all are now in the common grave of the hospital, and ash are coming back ... even after being abandoned in hospital by their families.
Another phrase used by our pastor, and imposition of ashes' was:
“ convertitevi e credete al Vangelo ”. E’ un grande impegno che dovrebbe essere il nostro sforzo principale di tutta la vita, ma che in questi quaranta giorni possiamo rinforzare e rinvigorire.
Convertirci, secondo l’etimologia greca, significa “cambiare strada”, “fare una inversione ad U”. Implica quindi la presa di coscienza che sovente le nostre strade non sono quelle che il Signore desidera da noi: abbiamo dimenticato i suoi comandamenti ed abbiamo imboccato sentieri pericolosi che rischiano di portarci molto lontano da Lui. La quaresima e’ il tempo propizio per una profonda meditazione su “dove stiamo andando”; e per qualche serious decision to "reverse course".
And then we are invited to "believe in the Gospel" is not 'a matter of course it' nor easy, especially if we consider the words of Jesus' which reminds us: "There are those who say 'Lord, Lord, shall enter' in Kingdom of Heaven, but he who does the will 'of my Father. " To believe so is not 'an intellectual act, but a daily stress of life: if I believe I have to force myself to live according to what the Gospel teaches me and takes me.
also "believe Vengelo 'and' then a" change course "and 'a commitment to cease to be only" theoretically " believers to become "disciples", meaning 'people who follow and imitate Christ.
Each of us then will know 'what are the wrong paths taken, and will' then be able to make his turns.
The Gospel that we heard at Mass today could be a "manifesto" for our Lent. This is Mt 6,1-6.16-18)
We are called primarily to an interior conversion that takes us away from the temptation of vainglory and hypocrisy : we must not be like the Pharisees who like to make the their good works before men, per essere da loro ammirati... dobbiamo invece “cambiare vita” in segreto, nell’intimo della nostra stanza, in una dimensione cosi’ personale che “neppure la nostra sinistra sappia quello che fa la destra”. Solo cosi’ avremo la nostra ricompensa nei Cieli.
Lo stesso Vangelo poi ci indica tre ambiti a cui dedicare il nostro impegno durante questi quaranta giorni:
1) Digiunare in segreto, senza che gli altri se ne accorgano . Non necessariamente cio’ significa “non mangiare”: ci sono tanti tipi di digiuno. Naturalmente si puo’ rinunciare a qualche cosa dalle nostre tavole sempre troppo ricche; si puo’ evitare lo spreco; si puo’ rinunciare ad un bicchiere di vino, al un alcoolico, ad un dolce o ad una sigaretta. Ma c’e’ anche il digiuno della lingua (quando vorrei parlare male di qualcuno, mi astengo. Quando vengo invitato dal gruppo a chiacchiere inutili o malevole, mi tengo da parte). C’e’ poi il digiuno dei pensieri (sforzarmi di pensare bene degli altri; non indulgere in pensieri di vendetta o di ripicca...). C’e’ anche il digiuno degli occhi, e potremmo qui riferirci a tante immagini inutili e spesso “immorali” proposteci soprattutto dai mass-media, immagini che, con un po’ di buona volonta’, riusciremmo a non guardare.
2) Pregare in segreto , senza farci vedere, senza sbandierare la nostra spiritualita’ agli altri. Un mio amico diceva sempre che bisogna guardarsi da quelle persone che girano sempre con il collo storto e con la Bibbia sotto braccio... e pare che il Vangelo di oggi gli dia ragione: chi fa lunghe preghiere, sperando di essere ammirato dagli uomini, “ha gia’ ricevuto la sua ricompensa”.
3) La carita’ espletata senza ostentazione, in modo che "Must not know what the left is doing right." Carita 'that can' be "begging" in the best sense of the term (ie 'donate money to the other, as did the poor widow of the Gospel that gave the only handout that she had to live), or donation of your time, their energies and skills.
Here is the "magnacarta" for our Lent, to which we add another important element derived from the Mass of today: we must be a Lent of brotherhood '. What they give up with our little sacrifices must be to the benefit of those who are 'more' poor.
in this regard I quote from a prayer Missal:
"Lord, help us to take anything away from our table, to aid those in need '."
E 'in my opinion the second part of the prayer to give meaning to the first. Fasting for fasting has no meaning and could even be a form of pride (I'm more 'good of others!). Fasting gains value when it becomes solidarity 'and charity'.
we do it? I do not know!
But we'll try it with perseverance from the very first day of the Lenten journey.
Fr Beppe Gaido
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