A) Contesto biblico
“Dopo essere stato condannato a morte, umiliato e percosso, Gesu’ riceve sulle spalle ormai dolenti per le sferzate, il duro legno della croce. Egli si avvia verso il Calvario tra due ali di folla che lo beffeggiano e lo scherniscono.”
B) Attualizzazione e riflessione
The Cottolengo said to be feared that when all things go well, and that needs to be happy all the times when there are setbacks and problems.
The Cottolengo himself was threatened more than once and even indicted. St. Vincent also said that God's works are always marked by suffering.
Well, I think I can say that we are on track Chaar, because the cross always comes to visit and to hear his bitter taste in our mouth.
often the cross is presented in the form of accusations that seem unfair. For example, I was verbally accused by relatives of having caused the death of a donna che era stata ricoverata a Chaaria per una patologia molto seria. La donna lascia 4 figli ed un marito vedovo.
Non intendo lamentarmi di queste accuse (forse dettate solo dall’emotivita’), perché so che fare il medico comporta anche questo, ed in Italia sarebbe sicuramente peggio... So anche di aver agito in scienza e coscienza. Però mi sento un nodo alla gola, perché davvero io cerco di fare tutto quello che posso per difendere e promuovere la vita: mi alzo di notte e corro qua e là tutto il giorno per aiutare pazienti spesso in condizioni disperate. Anche ieri, che era domenica abbiamo avuto cinque cesarei ed un raschiamento, oltre ai normali pazienti ambulatoriali. È chiaro che la Medicina is not like mathematics, and the accounts often do not add up, especially when you are alone to make clinical decisions, and you do not have all the diagnostic and therapeutic tools, which instead would be required to minimize the possibility of professional misconduct.
I hope it ends in nothing, and I can continue to help these needy people without any legal problems ... Indeed I do believe that there will be no follow-up to this mess only emotional and tied to the feelings of mourning ... What is certain is that sometimes I get a little 'fear when I am faced with complex cases, maybe I can not report to any other hospital because, for example, the road is impraticabile.
Devo decidere se aiutare e correre qualche rischio, o se proteggermi le spalle, e rischiare che la persona non riceva l'aiuto di cui ha bisogno. Generalmente il mio cuore mi dice che è meglio sbagliare provando ad aiutare, piuttosto che lasciar morire una persona perché si ha paura di sbagliare l'approccio terapeutico. In questi giorni sono un po’ giù, perché mi sento a volte incompreso e preso di mira: è di pochi anni fa un altro caso finito in nulla in cui una famiglia mi aveva accusato di aver ucciso un bambino trasfondendogli sangue di gruppo non compatibile. Io ero sicuro di me stesso. Ero stato io personalmente a fare i gruppi sanguigni e le prove crociate, perché was at night, I started the transfusion as a measure of desperation, and the child had died shortly afterwards, not for my transfusion, but the desperate conditions due to extreme anemia and malaria (he had less than 4 g of hemoglobin). But the mother was more interested in the timeline: the first was still breathing, then the transfusion was initiated, and finally the child is dead ... to which the case had to be infused blood to the doctor. Even then they were days of anguish in which I said to myself, what do I need to get up at night and "banging" until it any more, then if the reward is that?
C) Prayer
"Sir, the answer comes only by faith, increase my faith and help me to believe that I have to serve the sick and the poor for your sake, and not for the human reward for the success and gratitude. Even you, O Lord, you came rewarded with the cross, after trying to help everyone and to have cured a lot of people. You too, when the man with the withered hand guaristi in the synagogue on the Sabbath, it was mentioned that you had made a mistake, and that it could not heal a suffering on a day of rest commanded by law.
I believe, Lord, that You protect both me and my profession, and hospital Chaar, because everything we do is done with heart rectum and with the sole intent to help others. "
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