Monday, March 7, 2011

Kate's Playground Streaming Free

The breech birth

In Europe I think that it is always an indication for caesarean section.
The guidelines in Kenya speak instead of absolute indication to cesarean section in the case of breech presentation in first child, while the multiparous should be afforded the opportunity 'of natural birth (if desired).
course I apply the rules of the country where I work ... but unfortunately in Medicine 2 + 2 never makes four.
A first child sometimes comes in the night with the feet of the fetus is now visible to the outside and still managed to give birth without major difficulty ', while other times a multiparous unforeseen complications develop. The most 'dangerous and' what the English call "head stuck" (head block), and that means' the fact who manages to give birth without problems the body and limbs of nacituro ... but then the child gets stuck his head inside the mother's body.
moments are terrible and interminable, in which literally "lose 10 years of your life: sometimes you can hook to the jaw of the fetus by asking a finger in his mouth and, with this maneuver, you get fast enough to prevent the expulsion of the infant death.
In other cases, pass the "eternal minutes" before the little head decides out: these are crucial moments that will decide the future of the little creature, 'cause the umbilical cord is compressed between the baby's skull and bones of the maternal pelvis ... el'ipssia brain is established quickly.
Tonight me and the 3 'success with a multigravida!
had already 'three children at home, and I did not assume that the breech birth would take place quickly and without difficulty'.
and contrast ' happened to the imponderable: body extracted easily, quickly freed arts ... but little head "anchored" to the maternal pelvis.
We sweated and trembled ... we have tried everything ... in the end we pulled the head (after that I 'and' seemed an eternity '), so we revived a long time in terms of infant cardiac ... but there 'was nothing to do. The child has never even attempted to start breathing.
course I tormented with directions blame ... "I did the caesarean."
But it 's true that many women refuse surgery ... and then turn even items that we want cesarizzare too often, to get economic benefits.
I then decided to natural childbirth ... and this decision was supported by national guidelines, but again things went in an unexpected way, and again I am here to repeat that it is' useless crying over spilled milk. "

Fr Beppe Gaido


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